Watch Out Workers!
If you work outside or inside without AC, you’re at risk for heat-related illness.
Here are some possibly life-saving guidelines to follow at your workplace.
Workers Know Your Rights
If you work outside, employers are required to provide shade when temperatures are over 80°F.
If you work inside, employers must provide access to at least one cool-down area kept below 82°F.
Employers must allow workers who ask for a cool-down rest period to take one.
Learn more at
Outdoor workers often arrive at work dehydrated. Start and end every day with plenty of fluids.
During breaks:
Drink a cup of water every 20 minutes, even if you are not thirsty!
Apply cool compresses around your neck and under your arms.
Rest in a cool environment like a shaded area, air-conditioned room or car.
Watch Out for Heat-Related Illness
Heat Stroke
• Red, hot, dry skin
• Confusion
• Rapid pulse
• Throbbing headache
• Temperature above 103°F (39.4°C)
• Unconsciousness
Heat Exhaustion
• Dizziness
• Heavy sweating
• Cramps
• Nausea or vomiting
Take Action
Heat Stroke
1) Call 911 immediately - heat stroke is a medical emergency
2) Move person to cool or shaded area
3) Keep their body in cool water as you wait
Heat Exhaustion
1) Move them to a cool or shaded area
2) Apply cold wet cloths on their body
3) Keep them hydrated
Protecting Workers from Extreme Heat
UCLA LOSH produced four short worker health and safety video clips were produced in the following six Indigenous languages:
Drinking Water | Tomar agua
Itsimani (Purepecha)
Utijik joron (K’iche)
Tu’n t-xi’ tk’wana a’ (Mam)
Uuk nëëj (Ayuujk/MIXE)
B’ab’el Q’anej: Uk’ a’ej (Q’anjob’al)
Zapoteco (Zapoteco)
Shade and Rest | Sombra y Descanso
K'umantikua ka mintsikurhikua (Purepecha)
Mu’j chi’l Uxlanem (K’iche)
Leku’n ex ojlal (Mam)
Ap jëts aptso'ok (Ayuujk/MIXE)
Kab’ Q’anej: Enel k’al xewb’al (Q’anjob’al)
Zapoteco (Zapoteco)
Heat Illness Symptoms | Síntomas de enfermedades causadas por el calor
Mámaru jásï p'ikuarheratecha k'erati tsantechani jimpo (Purepecha)
Xë'n yakjäw ku än xpä'ämtu'unë'n (Ayuujk/MIXE)
Tzet chi yun hab’on hamichaj yuj q’a (Q’anjob’al)
Zapoteco (Zapoteco)
Extreme Temperatures | Temperaturas Extremas
K'erati aparhikurhitecha (Purepecha)
Nimaq uchuq’ab’il q’aq’tewal (K’iche)
Kuwxix tq’ab’ q’ij (Mam)
Timy mëjk än (Ayuujk/MIXE)
Skan Q’anej: Yet ow q’aq’al k’u (Q’anjob’al)
Zapoteco (Zapoteco)
Videos provided by UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program.