About LARC

Established in 2007, the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC) is a network of local governments, regional agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, utilities, and academics working together to advance climate mitigation and adaptation efforts in the Los Angeles region.

Recognizing the need for cross-jurisdictional collaboration within the large and diverse LA County region, LARC coordinates climate resiliency efforts with land use, transportation, infrastructure, energy, water, public health, emergency response, and resource management partners.

LARC serves as a convening body to support collaboration between local jurisdictions to coordinate regional climate action and adaptation efforts, maximize limited resources, and optimize outcomes for the LA region as a whole. This is accomplished through a series of established meetings that encourage peer-to-peer knowledge transfer amongst climate planners and practitioners.  

Both within its Supporter Network and with policy makers in the region at large, LARC facilitates the exchange of information, including cutting-edge and locally relevant climate research initiatives, best practices in policy development, information management systems, and education efforts.

Housed at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, LARC's work is driven by cutting edge, locally-relevant research. LARC is a founding member of the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA), a coalition of eight regional climate policy and planning networks in California.

LARC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization advised by a Leadership Council that receives logistical support from the UCLA IoES. The Georgetown Climate Center Study (2017) on LARC includes a summary of how we came to be and past roles and initiatives.