Extreme Heat Campaign
Join us and help prepare our communities
to reduce heat-related illness this summer.
We need your help to build awareness.
Join us this summer and help prepare our communities to reduce heat-related illness.
Extreme heat is already a deadly threat in Los Angeles and projections show a tenfold increase in the annual number of heat waves by mid-century.
Risk for heat related illness increases for children, older adults, pregnant people, outdoor workers, and people experiencing homelessness, among others.
#HeatSafeLA is our social media hashtag.
Why should I join the campaign?
When you join the HeatSafeLA campaign, you join over 75+ distribution partners from across Los Angeles. You gain access to social media graphics, a content calendar with key messaging, and weekly email updates with instructions to post and share content. We hope you join us!
Who created the campaign? Who has joined?
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and LARC have partnered to create content that highlights resources and tips for staying safe on extreme heat days.
We have recruited more than 75 distribution partners from local government, County departments, academia, and non-profit organizations. We are working together to reach a broad audience throughout the County, particularly those most at risk for heat related illness.
Print and Social Media Toolkit
Share these flyers at public events and venues throughout Los Angeles via email or print!
Social Media Campaign
Raise public awareness about the risks of extreme heat
Provide resources for staying cool, accessing utility assistance programs, and improving energy efficiency
Raise awareness of connection between climate change and public health, especially with media professionals and policy makers
Los Angeles County residents, especially those at higher risk for heat related illness: children, pregnant people, outdoor workers, people experiencing homelessness, and older adults, amongst others
Community leaders and community based organizations
Reporters and News outlets
Use our social media content toolkit. It contains instructions, messaging, calendar, and links to all the graphics and related captions in English and Spanish.
Use #HeatSafeLA hashtag on your social media posts.
Share on your social media channel and ask your community to repost to amplify the message. There is no cost to use this content.
Note to Our Distribution Partners:
Download our high resolution social media graphics when you post on social channel. Do not download images or take screenshots from our website. They are low resolution and optimized for web pages, not social media channels.
Bus Advertisement
We have partnered with LA Metro and LA City’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Office (CEMO) to create an extreme heat Public Service Announcement to run on 2,300+ LA Metro buses from August-September 2024. If your transit agency would like to run a similar advertisement, please email us.
A 2021 report from UCLA’s Luskin Center for Innovation highlights the need for targeted heat risk interventions in common exposure settings, including public transit stops.
Relevant interventions include installing shade structures at wait stops, providing transit users with accurate information for when vehicles are expected to arrive, and providing drinking water. The report notes “Informing transit users about the risks of heat illness, and encouraging them to notice warning signs and to take preventative actions are also important.”
Social Media Calendar & Graphics
Week 1: Get Ready for Summer
English Caption:
Los Angeles had a mild spring, but our weather is changing — expect more dangerously hot days this summer. This heat season, we’ll share resources on how to protect yourself and your community from extreme heat. Get tips to stay safe on hot days at bit.ly/LA-Heat-Resources #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Los Ángeles tuvo una primavera suave, pero nuestro clima está cambiando — se esperan días peligrosamente calurosos este verano. Este verano, compartiremos recursos sobre cómo protegerte y cómo proteger a tu comunidad del calor extremo. Encuentra medidas para mantenerte sano en bit.ly/LA-Heat-Resources #HeatSafeLA
Week 2: Physical Health Risks
English Caption:
Since summer is around the corner, now is the time to prepare for hotter days! Heat can cause serious illness, so make a plan and take extra care to prevent yourself from getting sick. Swipe for tips to keep yourself healthy in the heat! #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Como el verano está a la vuelta de la esquina, ¡es el momento de prepararse para los días más calientes! El calor puede causar enfermedades graves, así que prepara un plan y toma precauciones adicionales para evitar que te enfermes. Desliza el dedo para ver los consejos para mantenerse sano con el calor. #HeatSafeLA
Week 3: Mental Health Risks
English Caption:
Taking care of your well-being when it’s hot means taking care of both your physical AND mental health. Extreme heat can add to the burden of everyday stress and affect your mental health. For assistance, visit DMH.LACounty.gov or call 800-854-7771. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Cuidar su bienestar cuando hace calor significa cuidar tanto de su salud física como mental. El calor extremo puede aumentar el estrés diario y puede afectar a su salud mental. Para asistencia visite a DMH.LACounty.gov o llame a 800-854-7771. #HeatSafeLA
Week 4: Cool Down Your Commute
English Caption:
Heat can complicate your daily commute. Hotter days can mean more stress, more road rage, and more hours exposed to heat. Here are some tips to make your commute safer and a little less difficult. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
El calor puede complicar sus viajes diarios al trabajo. Los días más calurosos pueden brindar más estrés, más agresión en la carretera y más horas expuesto al calor. Aquí le compartimos algunas recomendaciones para que su viaje al trabajo sea más seguro y menos difícil. #HeatSafeLA
Week 5: Tips for Children and Caregivers
English Caption:
Children need extra attention when it’s hot; especially if they’re active and playing outside. Here are some important tips to keep young ones healthy. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Los niños necesitan más atención cuando hace mucho calor, sobre todo si son activos y juegan afuera. Aquí hay algunos consejos importantes para mantener a los pequeños sanos. #HeatSafeLA
Week 6: Cool Down Your Home
English Caption:
Climate change is making LA hotter. If you don’t have air conditioning in your home, consider these tips to stay safe in the heat. For more information & resources, visit https://bit.ly/CoolDownYourHome #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
El cambio de clima hace que LA sea más caluroso. Si no tiene aire acondicionado en casa, considere estos consejos para mantenerse seguro y sano cuando hace calor. Para más información y recursos, visite: https://bit.ly/CoolDownYourHome #HeatSafeLA
Week 7: Cool Spaces in LA
English Caption:
Looking for a place to cool down on a hot day? Visit these free public places & centers to help stay cool. To find a center near you, visit ready.lacounty.gov/heat #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
¿Busca un lugar para refrescarse en un día caluroso? Visite estos lugares y centros públicos gratuitos para mantenerse fresco. Para encontrar un centro cercano, visite ready.lacounty.gov/heat #HeatSafeLA
Week 8: Tips for Pregnant People
English Caption:
Pregnancy during the summers can be difficult to cope with, especially because pregnancy can make you more vulnerable to heat. We’re sharing tips for pregnant folks looking for relief from the heat. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
El embarazo durante los veranos puede ser difícil de soportar, especialmente porque el embarazo puede hacerle más vulnerable al calor. Aquí compartimos consejos para las personas embarazadas buscando alivio del calor. #HeatSafeLA
Week 9: Tips for Older Adults
English Caption:
Older adults are at higher risk from extreme heat. Here are some tips to keep yourself and older adults in your life cool and healthy when it’s hot. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Los adultos mayores corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir el calor extremo. Estos son algunos consejos para mantenerse a sí mismo y a los adultos mayores en su vida frescos y saludables cuando hace calor. #HeatSafeLA
Week 10: Tips for People with Disabilities or Preexisting Conditions
English Caption:
Those of us with disabilities or chronic illnesses are at higher risk during hot days, which can also throw off routines you may rely on. If you need help getting to a cool place, call (213, 310, 323, 818) 808-2273 for a ride. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Las personas con discapacidades o enfermedades crónicas corren un mayor riesgo durante los días calurosos, lo que también puede alterar su rutina cotidiana. Si necesita ayuda para llegar a un lugar fresco, llame al (213, 310, 323, 818) 808-2273 para solicitar transporte. #HeatSafeLA
Week 11A: Tips for Outdoor and Indoor Workers
English Caption:
If you work outside or inside without AC, you’re at risk for heat-related illness. Here are some possibly life-saving guidelines to follow at your workplace. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Si trabaja al aire libre o adentro, pero sin aire acondicionado, corre el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad relacionada con el calor. Estas son algunas de las recomendaciones que pueden salvarle la vida en su sitio de trabajo.#HeatSafeLA
Week 11B: Sleep Well During a Heatwave
English Caption:
Heat waves are dangerous and exhausting, especially when it’s too hot to get proper sleep at night. It is important for your body to cool down and rest at night. Here are some things you can do to cool your home and improve your sleep quality. #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Las olas de calor son peligrosas y agotadoras, especialmente cuando hace demasiado calor para dormir bien por la noche. Es importante que tu cuerpo se enfríe y descanse por la noche. Aquí hay algunas cosas que puede hacer para enfriar su hogar y mejorar la calidad de su sueño. #HeatSafeLA
Week 12: People Experiencing Homelessness
English Caption:
Heat waves are especially dangerous for people experiencing homelessness, who spend a lot more time outside, and have less access to air conditioning and water than people with stable housing. For more info, visit https://bit.ly/HeatResourcesLA #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Las olas de calor son especialmente peligrosas para las personas sin hogar, que pasan mucho más tiempo afuera y tienen menos acceso al aire acondicionado y al agua en comparación con las personas con vivienda estable. Para más información, visite https://bit.ly/HeatResourcesLA #HeatSafeLA
Week 13: Tips for Pets
English Caption:
Keep your furry friend happy and healthy by taking extra care of them during extremely hot days. You can follow this easy rule: if you wouldn’t be happy, your pet wouldn’t like it either! #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Mantenga a su mascota feliz y san al ponerle más atención durante los días muy calurosos. Puede seguir esta regla sencilla: ¡si ud. no estaría contento, tampoco le gustaría a su mascota! #HeatSafeLA
Week 14: Climate Change & Infrastructure
English Caption:
Our risk for heat-related illness may depend a lot on where we live, work, and play. Today we’re covering the “Urban Heat Island Effect”—the reason why some neighborhoods are made hotter than others. Learn how to cool your home and neighborhood at bit.ly/LA-Heat-Resources #HeatSafeLA
Spanish Caption:
Mucho del riesgo de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor depende de donde vivimos, trabajamos y jugamos. El "Efecto de la Isla de Calor Urbano" es una razón que algunas zonas son más calurosos que otras. Aprende como mantener su casa y bario fresco a bit.ly/LA-Heat-Resources #HeatSafeLA
Week 15: Heat is a Year-Long Issue
English Caption:
Extreme heat is a year-round issue in Los Angeles, especially now with climate change. Check out the hashtag #HeatSafeLA for tips to stay safe on hot days and for staying involved in cooling LA!
Spanish Caption:
El calor extremo es un problema durante todo el año en Los Ángeles, especialmente ahora con el cambio climático. ¡Echa un ojo al hashtag #HeatSafeLA para obtener consejos para mantenerse a salvo en los días de calor!
In 2022, the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative (LARC) and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) partnered to create a social media campaign to help those most at risk for heat related illness to protect themselves, their families, and their communities. We recruited 50 distribution partners from local government, County departments, academia, and non-profit organizations. Together our posts reached more than 6,000,000 people that heat season.
The content above was created by LARC staff in partnership with the LACDPH Climate Change Program, Elizabeth Rhoades, Laura Baetscher, and Susan Lesser, and translated into Spanish by Andres Rodriguez at Climate Resolve. We thank Lynn Hur for her research and writing, Yua Watanabe for the graphic design, and Camille Burrus for her evaluation of the 2022 campaign.
In August 2022, UCLA’s Center for Community Engagement (CCE) and LARC were awarded a UCLA Transdisciplinary Research Acceleration Grant to assess and revise the campaign in preparation for a 2023 campaign. We assembled a Community Advisory Group to guide the collaborative work across all project phases, including designing and participating in workshops to co-create content and outreach strategies with community members and community leaders. The outputs of this community-engaged process include new communications materials ready for use in the summer of 2023, as well as additional networking and relationship building of community-based organizations, residents, non-profits, and government agencies working to secure a more heat resilient LA.
Thank you to LARC’s network supporters, Accelerate Resilience L.A. (ARLA) a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the City of Los Angeles Climate Emergency Mobilization Office, Edison International, Second Nature, UCLA’s The Green Initiative Fund, and UCLA’s Transdisciplinary Research Acceleration Grant program for generously sponsoring LARC’s extreme heat campaign during the first two summers.
In July 2024, the CA Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation awarded a $3 million grant to support a comprehensive outreach program called Los Angeles Regional Collaborative: Heat Education, Ambassadors, and Training (LARC-HEAT). LARC-HEAT will be implemented by the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC), the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, Rising Communities, LA County Department of Public Health.
Questions? Contact LARC’s Executive Director, Erin Coutts, at ecoutts@ucla.edu