LA Climate Action Plan Map
The L.A. CAP Map shows the progress made by Southern California cities in creating Climate Action Plans (CAP), Local Hazard Mitigation Plans, and integrating adaptation into their plans per SB 379. This version of LARC’s L.A. CAP Map was built using Climate Resolve’s Matrix as the primary data source.
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Edits in progress… please come back soon.
Additional Tracking of Climate Action and Adaptation Planning
Status of Municipal Climate Preparedness
In April 2023, Climate Resolve released the Ounce of Prevention: Advancing Equitable Climate Resilience Planning in California. This work builds on their January 2020 report Ready for Tomorrow? A Snapshot of Climate Preparedness Planning in Southern California,” which describes the current status of climate preparedness planning. The report is complemented by a searchable Matrix that details the status of climate preparedness planning by more than 200 municipalities.
Green Region Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Indicators Map
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) produces a collection of maps that serve as a tool to measure and track sustainability progress in the region across 12 categories and 29 sustainability indicators. Learn about the program and access all 12 maps. Or directly access the Climate Action map and the Climate Adaptation Planning map.
California Climate Action Portal
The California Climate Action Portal Map (CAP-Map) is an open data tool developed by the California Air Resources Board. This is an interactive web resource that is intended to help local governments learn more about other climate action plans and climate change policies being implemented across California. The CAP-Map aggregates the climate action planning efforts of California jurisdictions, and provides a searchable database of climate action strategies.
California Climate Action Plan Library
Dr. Michael R. Boswell at California Polytechnic State University has created a library of city, county, and regional CAPs. If any of the links to plans are broken, consider checking this library for the original PDF file.