10:00 Welcome
10:05 Network Updates, Opportunities, & Support
Each participant briefly (~30 sec) completes the following phrase(s):
What I’m working on/ interested in exploring is...
What I need is...
10:35 Featured Project: OPR’s Vulnerable Communities Platform (VCP)
Speaker: Ankitha Doddanari, Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP), Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR)
10:40 LA/Orange County Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Effort
Speakers from Southern California Association of Governments:
Ryan Wolfe, Manager of Sustainable and Resilient Development
Sebastian Shetty, Associate Regional Planner, Resilient Communities
Intro and CPRG Program Background
Regional measures and project examples (10 minutes)
EV transportation (goods movement, transit, passenger vehicles)
Building energy
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction
Breakout sessions: (15 minutes)
What investment-ready programs and projects would help your city or or agency reduce GHG emissions in the near term?
For cities without CAPs, what are your GHG reduction priorities?
Discussion & Coordination (15 minutes)
What opportunities do you see for greater collaboration?
What capacity do organizations here have to support applications for CPRG implementation grants?
Who needs to be included?
11:30 Adjourn