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USC Sea Grant, in partnership with the South Bay Cities Council of Governments, the City of Santa Monica, LARC, Heal the Bay, and the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission, would like to invite you to attend our first Regional AdaptLA workshop: Sea Level Rise & Coastal Impacts - Professional Development for Community Leaders.
The goals of this workshop are to:
- Provide information about sea level rise, coastal storms and shoreline change modeling for the L.A. coastline
- Discuss the regulatory and policy frameworks relevant to sea level rise
- Provide training on “adaptive management” and the range of adaptation strategies available to a community
- Encourage networking with municipalities & regional partners and share information about ongoing coastal impacts planning efforts in Los Angeles
Please note that this is an invitation only event and space is limited to 50 attendees. For more information, contact Alyssa Newton Mann ( | 213.740.8602)
This is a no-cost event and lunch and refreshments will be provided.