City of Paramount Climate Action Plan: Year in Review

July 2023 marks two years since the City of Paramount adopted its Climate Action Plan (CAP), and there is much progress to celebrate. The City takes pride in showcasing the diverse accomplishments attained in the last year toward enhancing its environmental sustainability.

  • Finalizing the Urban Forest Management Plan, which will help the City continue to grow and manage its urban forest and maintain its status as a Tree City USA.

  • Engaged an experienced consultant to conduct a comprehensive energy assessment that will produce a variety of energy-savings projects.

  • Change to the 100% Green Power energy tier for all City facilities.

  • Pending change in the community tier from the 36% Lean Power to 50% Clean Power, which will go into effect in fall 2023.

  • Continuing to increase the City’s fleet with zero emissions, 100% electric vehicles as part of the vehicle replacement program.

  • Continuing to replace existing lighting at City facilities with LEDs.

  • Continuing to replace the City’s small power tools with zero emissions, 100% electric equipment.

As the third year of the CAP’s implementation is underway, Paramount looks forward to implementing its various strategies and creating a more sustainable community for residents. To learn more about the CAP, visit


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