Physical Health Risks of Extreme Heat

Going Outside?

  • Never leave older adults, kids, or pets alone in cars

  • Drink 2-4 cups of water every hour

  • Stay in the shade

  • Wear lightweight clothing

  • Wear sunscreen

  • Cool off at libraries or other public places

Find a free cooling center near you:

Staying Inside?

• Drink more water throughout the day

• Avoid alcohol and caffeine

• Do not use oven or stove

• Block out the sun with curtains

• Take cool showers  

• Put feet in cold water

Know the Symptoms of Heat-Related Illness

Heat Stroke


• Red, hot, dry skin

• Confusion 

• Rapid heartbeat

• Throbbing headache

• Temperature above 103°F (39.4°C)

• Unconsciousness

What to Do

• Call 911

• Move to a cool place

• Cool with water or ice

Heat Stroke


• Dizziness

• Heavy sweating

• Cramps

• Nausea or vomiting

What to Do:

• Move to a cool place

• Loosen clothes

• Sip water

• Put cold water or cool, wet cloth on your head, face and neck.


Riesgos del calor extremo para la salud física