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LARC July 2020 Member Meeting

We connected with climate leaders from across Los Angeles at this virtual member meeting.

We discussed the proposed changes to the LARC member dues. Please take a few moments to review the changes prior to the meeting.



10:00 Welcome

10:05 Icebreaker

10:10 Network Updates

10:45 LARC Updates

11:50 Discuss Revisions to Member Dues

  • Overview of LARC’s budget

  • Introduction to proposed changes:

  • Questions: What are the dues your organization would pay? Is that feasible

    right now? If not, can we change it? Or will you be joining as an individual?

11:25 Survey

11:30 Adjourn Meeting/Option to say for more networking

June 30

SEEC Virtual Forum - WEBINAR 4: Community & Climate Engagement During COVID-19: What to do when in person isn’t possible

July 15

Managed Retreat Toolkit Release & Webinar