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Decarb Webinar Series Part 1: Carbon 101

The USGBC-LA Building Decarb Committee is hosting the first of a three-part series that will cover decarbonization in the built environment to increase the awareness of emerging issues, available tools, strategies, resources, and best practices. 

In the first webinar, participants will learn the basics of building decarbonization and its role in the reduction of economy wide carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions. Key definitions and difference between embodied and operational carbon will be highlighted in a building life cycle. This webinar will outline the policy progress to date, the push from local jurisdictions for electrification, and state and national decarbonization strategies. Participants will learn about the key strategies for reducing embodied and operational carbon in new construction as well as existing buildings.


February 10

Equitable Community Engagement & Phase 1: Explore, Define & Initiate - 2021 Adaptation Planning Guide Workshop Series

February 11

LARC February 2021 Member Meeting