You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jun 10, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SEEC Virtual Forum - Webinar 2: Community Energy Resilience for Local Governments
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In preparation for the 2020 wildfire season and Public Safety Power Shutoffs, many local governments throughout California are exploring opportunities to advance energy resilience solutions. However, COVID-19 is creating enormous challenges for local governments in what was already a resource-constrained environment. Building upon the June 2nd state panel, which provides a birds-eye view regarding clean energy priorities amidst COVID-19, this webinar will provide a view from the ground. Participants will learn about technical and financial resources available to local governments to implement clean energy resilience initiatives.
Presentations will highlight case studies and model strategies to build community energy resilience covering both the immediate-term need to keep critical facilities online, as well as long-term opportunities to simultaneously advance local climate goals and deliver tangible benefits to communities. Speakers will include representatives from The Climate Center, The Community Energy Lab, California Energy Commission, and California local governments.
This webinar is being jointly organized by The Climate Center and the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC). For more information about The Climate Center's Community Energy Resilience Summit, please visit For more information about the SEEC Virtual Forum, please visit
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