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Technology for Good: Easton Center Innovation Challenge Kickoff

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What are some of society's greatest challenges in the areas of healthcare and sustainability?

How and where can technology aid in solving societal issues?

What are the key ingredients of successful innovation here?

Join Professor Terry Kramer, Easton Center Faculty Director, in a moderated conversation with Eric Hoek (Director, UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge) and Larry Leisure (Founder & Managing Director, Chicago Pacific Founders) on these topics. And, hear about the formal launch of the Easton Center Innovation Challenge­—the innovation prompts, deadlines, prize monies and the content/programming designed to support participating students on their journeys. UCLA Anderson Dean Tony Bernardo will provide opening remarks.

October 5

South Coast AQMD's 6th Annual Environmental Justice Conference

October 7

SEEC Webinar: Strategic Planning for a Clean Energy Future: How to Phase, Scale & Finance Smart Cities Solutions