Policies + Plans - Environmental Justice

  1. California Air Resources Board - AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) Recommendations

  2. California Air Resources Board - Air Pollution and Environmental Justice Final Report

  3. California Air Resources Board - Traffic Pollution and Children’s Health: Refining estimates of exposure for the East Bay Children’s Respiratory Health Study, 2008

  4. California Air Resources Board - Update and Statewide Expansion of the Environmental Justice Screening Method (EJSM) 

  5. California Air Resources Board - 2001 Policies and Actions for Environmental Justice CALEPA

  6. California Environmental Justice Alliance - 2015-2018 Strategic Plan

  7. Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) - 2014 Annual Report

  8. California Air Resources Board - Characterizing the Range of Children's Pollutant Exposure During School Bus Commutes, 2003

  9. City of LA - 2016 Clean Up Green Up Ordinance

  10. California Resources Agency - Environmental Justice Policy

  11. Environmental Protection Agency - Plan EJ 2014

  12. Environmental Protection Agency -  Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

  13. Senate Bill 1000 - Land use: General Plans: Safety and Environmental Justice

  14. The Public Law Research Institute - Opportunities for Environmental Justice in California Agency by Agency, 2003

  15. UC Davis Center for Regional Change - The Struggle for Water Justice in California’s San Joaquin Valley, 2018

  16. US EPA Region 9 - 2015 Action Plan To Address Environmental Justice (EJ)

  17. Please note: LARC is currently updating this list and creating a comprehensive and user-friendly searchable index of climate policies and plans for California, LA County, and the 88 municipalities within LA County.